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Interested in having us speak to your group or school? Contact Carissa
If you can't decide between a Shepherd, a Setter, or a Poodle...get them all - adopt a mutt!
P.O. Box 5302
Maryville, TN  37802

e-mail: Annette
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Animal Issues

FDA: 41 brands of food contain anesthetizing agent
"The Food and Drug Administration and the Center of Veterinary Medicine found that the same poison used to euthanize animals turned up in many top-selling brands."...

"API's primary campaign areas currently include animals used in
entertainment, captive exotic animals, companion animals, compassionate
consumerism, farmed animals, and wildlife protection."

Pet Food Issues

Your Animal's Health Volume III
Do you really want to know what is in your pet's food? You should...
Possible solutions to your cat's health problems through nutrition.

"Putting a little thought into what you feed your cat(s) can pay big
dividends over their lifetime and very possibly help them avoid serious,
painful and costly illnesses."

The facts about meat-based and vegetarian cat and dog diets!

Dog Owner's Guide
Building a balanced diet...From table scraps to kibble and back again

Controversy with Vaccinations

Do you really know what certain vaccines are for and how much you really
need to give your pet? You should...

Health World
"...The irony is that vaccine labels say they are to be given only to
healthy animals. If they were truly healthy, they would not need them.
Those who are not healthy are the most severely damaged".

Almost Home Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Copyright 2004 Almost Home Animal Rescue