Almost Home Animal Rescue Home
Interested in Advertising with us or exchanging links with us? Contact the webmaster
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Download a volunteer application or contact Kristen
Interested in fostering a pet? Download a foster application or contact Kristen
Interested in adopting a pet? Download an adoption application or contact Annette
Interested in having us speak to your group or school? Contact Kristen
If you can't decide between a Shepherd, a Setter, or a Poodle...get them all - adopt a mutt!
P.O. Box 5302
Maryville, TN  37802

e-mail: Annette
Please help us by donating through:


Fun Places

Discovery Initatives
Have your vaction and make the world a better place:  A travel company
based in UK, that works with 29 countries.  This company wants to give you
an experience rather than just a vacation.  They hope to bring a real
change to the places their tours visit.

Welcome to Dogster, where every dog has a webpage!  You have a website to
brag about our own dog & meet interesting lpeople.  They also have cute
links to look at...costumes for your dogs.  If you've lost your pet, you
can post your pet here.

Vacationers are volunteers:  If you want to be more of a participant than
a tourist, there's a host of companies that merge travel with
conservation.  One of the largest is Eacowatch where you can work
alongside some of the world's most famous researchers.

"Going to the far reaches:  Dutch-based Ecotravel makes a special
commitment to small conservation groups.  Ecotravel is still a young
company, but it offers travelers some distincitive experiences...animals
that people haven't even heard of before."

Green Volunteers (Book)
"If you're excited about participating & want to travel the world but just
don't have the funds to join a large research venture, there's a book that
will help you find exactly what you're looking for."

Wild Horizions
Saving the Whales:  These ocean vacations, one in the Caribbean & one is
southeast Alaska, offer volunteers the chance to have a close encournter
with the whales.  Be part of observations & research without harassing the

Almost Home Animal Rescue is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

Copyright 2004 Almost Home Animal Rescue